CS56 Mentor Overview

An overview of the roles and responsibilities of CS56 mentors; a guide for mentors, TAs/Readers, and instructors

Mentors for CS56: An overview

This document provides an overview of the roles and responsibilities of Mentors in CS56.

Acknowledgments: The original outline was authored by Jenna Cryan. Additional edits have been made by Chandler Qian, Franklin Tang, Angela Yung, Alex Thielk and Phill Conrad.

Week 0 tasks

Establish communication: Follow this link to get situated with tools that mentors, TAs, and Professor Conrad will use to communicate and share information throughout the quarter.

Expectations of Mentors

Be a team leader: On a base level, mentors are there to lead their student teams and resolve questions and conflicts. Mentors are responsible for reviewing the labs of the students they are mentoring. Make sure you read this: Basic Guidelines for TA/Reader/Mentor

Review legacy code projects: The bulk of code review comes from the legacy code projects, which mentors will prepare. Mentors and student teams should be in close contact regarding its progress throughout the quarter. Mentor Roles during Legacy Code work

Provide meaningful feedback to mentees: Unlike TAs, readers, and professors, mentors do not evaluate the performance of the students in a quantifiable way. Mentor evaluations of student work take place in the form of code reviews when the mentors have the opportunity to provide meaningful feedback on student code and habits. Maybe useful: Steps for Creating Feedback Repos

Learning Goals for Mentors

The main learning goals for students undertaking the mentor role as a CMPSC192 project course are:

It’s a learning environment for everyone involved, and at any point feel free to discuss anything with the other mentors, the mentor leader ( if there is one ), the TA(s), and especially with the professor.

Duties of Mentors

Project manager / scrum master work duties: As team leaders, it is important mentors work closely with teams to ensure they have everyting they need to complete the work for the quarter and succeed

Code reviews: As the team leaders, mentors know the most about the progress of their teams’ projects from start to finish and as such mentor feedback is very important. Detailed instructions for lab reviewed can be found at: Link

Lab preparation:

Lab time:

Curation of Legacy Code repositories:

Generation of new repositories:

Point estimates:

Weekly Breakdown

Week 0

Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

Week 5

Week 6

Week 7

Week 8

Week 9

Week 10

Final Week

Work delegation

Mentors work mostly with the students themselves. However, at the start of the quarter, mentors should meet with the professor, TAs, and reader (if applicable) to discuss expectations for delegating work.

As the students finish their labs, it is important that the mentors begin reviewing them so as to provide speedy feedback giving them the opportunity to improve going forward and to catch any turn in issues before the grader.

TAs and reader will always be in charge of actually grading, but they will wait for code review feedback from mentors as it signals the students are done and it is useful when reviewing their work. As such, it is important to maintain an open line of communication among all mentors, the TAs, reader, and Professor at all times. Keep up with the professor in terms of exactly what has been done and what is left to be completed. Most conveniently, this can be handled through shared spreadsheets set up by a TA or mentor (or mentor leader if applicable) at the start of the quarter so everyone is on the same page, literally.

Additionally, while mentors know what they are responsible for (their own teams’ work) when there are multiple TAs/Graders, it isn’t as clear which TA/Grader is responsible for grading which legacy code project. The spreadsheet will also allow TAs and Readers a mechanism to ‘claim’ an assignment to grade to prevent overlap.