Week 0 Instructor Checklist

Tasks for Instructor before quarter starts

Instructor Setup Steps

  1. Set value of current-quarter-github-org in _config.yml

    Change the value of current-quarter-github-org in _config.yml of this repo.
    For example:

    current_qtr_github_org: ucsb-cs56-w18

    The current value of that setting is: ucsb-cs56-m18

  2. Default Repository Permission Should be None on github org.

    Make sure that the Default repository permission is “None” on the ucsb-cs56-m18 settings. Those can be accessed at https://github.com/organizations/ucsb-cs56-m18/settings/member_privileges. This is SUPER important. Otherwise, all students have read permission to even private repos. That is clearly not desirable!

  3. Create a form to collect information from instructional staff. Examples of past forms include:
  4. Create a slack for instructional staff. Naming convention is ucsb-cs56-w18-team Invite TAs, Readers, and Undergrad mentors.

  5. Mentors should be registered as paid mentors, or for CS190J credit. Verify that this is taken care of.

  6. Create Gradescope course
    • Set default setting for course to “positive scoring”.
    • Add TAs and Reader
    • Add students by uploading Egrades Roster
  7. Add instructional staff with access to various accounts as shown in table below:
Account Type TA? Mentor?
Github orgs (see below) Y Y
Gradescope Y No, for now
submit.cs Y No, for now
Piazza Y Y
Google Drive Folder Y Y

Github setup

Github orgs

Github signup tool